I've briefly mentioned my love for Ryan Montbleau Band on this blog before... but tonight, it reached new depths.
(Here's a sweet little video to get you in the mood to read the rest of this post.)
Who wouldn't be bummed to miss a connection with one of you? Bombers babes for life! |
A three day old Felix, sleeping "like a baby." |
Photo of The Empire State Building... gone gay! (from Buzzfeed.com) |
Remember way back when? Felix's first day home. Rocking with his daddy in the warm sun glow. |
A Perfect Day on the Mountain. 06.04.11 |
Apple Paltrow & Felix have similar headgear. Too bad Felix freaks whenever his come near his dome! |
Shepard Fairey - my favorite contemporary artist - created this poster in reaction to the California Proposition 8. |
I went overboard with the decorations... but the taste was perfect. |
A view of our house from the street, prior to any renovations. |
I forgot to take a picture of the chili the day I made it. This is my bowl of leftovers a few days later. If there was more left, I certainly would've filled the bowl. |
Me. Flask swigging while navigating traffic. Don't worry, I wasn't driving. |
After reading my girl Anne's post on the arrival of the adorable August McGrath (born 2 weeks after Felix's debut), I realized I've yet to write about this monumental moment in my little Lynch family. So thanks, Annie, for the inspiration.